Due to personal preferences or need, many people resort to indoor or sun tanning. Sometimes, the process of tanning leads to some side effects, white spots (Tinea versicolor) being among the most common ones. White spots from eczema are caused from a loss of pigmentation on the skin due to long term damage from itching and irritation.But first, what causes eczema white spots? These spots are usually brought on by a prolonging irritation that has damaged the skin to the point that it doesn't produce proper pigmentation. Melasma produces irregular, pale brown blotches that usually appear on the nose, cheeks, forehead, and upper chest. On darker skin, the blotches show up lighter than the surrounding skin.
One of the primary causes of white spots are the tanning bed itself. Sometimes, the lights are spaced incorrectly, resulting in an uneven tan. If you own the bed, you may be stuck, if you are going to a tanning salon, you can change salons. These dead skin cells can be removed when you take a bath but some of them need serious sloughing off before they can be effectively removed. A home made scrub should do the trick. The sunburns that you went through in the past years can take plenty of time before their effects are apparent on your skin, in the form of sun spots. These blemishes are caused directly by the outcome of pigment transformation.
Another easy way to remove skin spots is through cryosurgery. This surgery involves freezing to remove abnormal skin cells. It is a quick procedure and you could see results immediately. However, like laser treatment procedures, cryosurgery also involves a lot of money. But before you even think of ways to remove them, you have to know first what they are. Age spots, contrary to its name, are not caused by ones age though their appearance becomes more prevalent as one ages. Age spots are also called liver spots.
If you are still having problems even after moisturizing and using supplements and creams, it may be a good idea to get an allergy test from your dermatologist and start taking a look at what dietary influences might be at work causing your body to react harmfully. White spots could be the result of a skin fungus preventing the UV rays from entering into that patch of skin cells. This is a non-contagious form of fungus that is caused by the combination of sweating and heat directly on the skin. Some medicines, such as antibiotics (especially tetracycline), hormone replacement drugs (especially birth control pills), and certain strong prescription drugs can adversely affect, a condition called the photo sensitivity of skin.
Another effective home treatment is to use sandalwood paste. All you need to do is to mix sandalwood powder, lemon juice, cucumber juice and tomato juice to make a paste. Apply this paste to the skin. Let it dry before removing using lukewarm water. Foundation can hide skin sun spots by smoothing and flattening the texture and tone of your skin. You should choose a foundation that complements well with your skin complexion.
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