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Thursday, 19 August 2010
Effects Of Sleeping Pills

Most people who suffer from insomnia resort to various sleep aids, such as sleeping pills and over the counter medicine to relieve themselves of the problem. Although these sleeping pills provide relief, it is only a temporary relief, it dose not provide any permanent cure and instead becomes support than a cure. Prescription sleep aids cause your body to do two things. First of all, you begin to physically depend on the pill, believing that you cannot sleep without it. Second, even though you develop a dependency, your body also builds up tolerance of the medicine's effects.

The most common side effect of daily tensions is sleeplessness that can range from a day to a week and in some cases even months. Problems like a bad relationship or a broken marriage or any other similar problem can result in sleeplessness. Lunesta is a hypnotic group medicine used for treating symptoms of Insomnia. Being a sedative drug you must handle it carefully as its misadministration will result in serious side effects. Following tips will assist you in easy handling of Lunesta. Pharmaceutical companies defend the use of sleeping pills, countering that most of the people who use sleeping pills take them for a few weeks or less. What they don't say, however is that the vast majority of all prescriptions are repeat prescriptions to chronic insomniacs.

In addition, your body may gradually get used to the drug, so that you have to take more to have same effect. You may also find it difficult to stop taking these drugs because without them it can take days or even weeks for normal sleep patterns to return. People who suffer from insomnia and similar sleeping disorders lack natural production of melatonin in their body. Melatonin is a very important hormone in our body which actually regulates our natural sleep cycle. Because most major sleep medication interfere with normal brain wave patterns you may not experience the deeper and restorative stages of sleep at night. As a result you may find that you wake up feeling groggy, drowsy or tired. In the past, insomnia medication has been said to be the cause of drivers falling asleep at the wheel of the car and this is clearly a danger to both the person taking the drug and to others.

Sleeping pills should also be avoided during initial stages pregnancy.Sleeping pills are not suitable to be given to anyone under the age of 18. Hence they cannot be used to treat.On the other hand, taking a natural sleeping pill is more attuned to the body's processes and this is the reason why it provides good quality sleep unlike conventional pills do not. A natural good night's sleep is physically restorative and can help in improving our memory and moods. Instead of taking sleeping pills, a better option would be to find out about the cause of your insomnia (like stress, tension etc.) and try to remove it.

In conclusion, sleeping pills do help us to sleep better but should only be used as a last resort. There are many alternatives which do not cost any money at all and are definitely worth trying first.

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Posted by nicolewilsone at 5:57 AM EDT
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