Sleep disorders are common in childhood and can include parainsomnias, sleep-related breathing disorders, insomnia, hyperinsomnia such as narcolepsy and circadian rhythm disorder. Did you ever bother to find out why your kid feels so uncomfortable while lying on the bed? If you have not been able to figure out the reason as yet, then let us explain. Sleep apnea is one explanation for sleeping problems in children. There are many children that suffer from mild sleep apnea and it is never diagnosed. A short explanation of sleep apnea is that the child will stop breathing while they are asleep.
Another common sleep issue is insomnia. Frequently, parents will complain that their child is not sleeping through the night, thereby affecting everyone else's sleep. Insomnia itself is not a distinctive diagnosis in children. Bedwetting and Enuresis: Bedwetting is also most widespread sleep disorder in most children. But it is very humiliating as well as embarrassing for children and troublesome for parents particularly when children grow older. Children may suffer from sleeping problems dues to many factors. Bedwetting could be one reason, as a wet bed is uncomfortable for sleep. Other reasons include going late to bed, drinking beverages containing caffeine such as coffee from a very young age, nightmares because of their exposure to horror movies.
Lifestyle habits hinder your child's sleep habits, too. Your child should not watch TV or play on the computer while he is in bed. The bed should only be used for sleeping. This will help establish a routine for your child. Sleepwalking is another form of a sleeping disorder. Children have a tendency to sleep much more deeply than adults, which explains why it is more difficult to get them moving and coherent when they wake up. This often results in nightmares. Sleepwalking, also called somnambulism) is a harmless disorder if the parents can make the environment safe. Talking while asleep is also harmless. Bruxism (grinding and gnashing the teeth during sleep) is an annoying sleep disturber.
This issue means one of two things, and neither of them are good. For starters, children who need these services will have to travel long distances to be diagnosed and cared for. Sadly, that's the best case scenario. Sleep apnea can effect people of all ages, including children. The victim actually stops breathing during sleep and as many as fifty times a night. Although it is quite common, for a parent there is nothing more terrifying than seeing this happen to their child. Children experience sleepwalking more than night terrors and it is often difficult to hand on the parents' part. Anticipatory waking may be used if there is a pattern of waking. Wake the sleepwalking child for 15 nights in a row, approximately 15 minutes before the episode usually occurs. You might be wondering if changing the bedding could make a difference. Studies have been done in this regard and findings are evocative of the fact that replacing conventional mattresses with memory foam mattresses can indeed bring about a dramatic change and can largely help cure sleeping disorders.
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