There are many several factors that contribute to skin discoloration. To some, skin discoloration may be natural and is already there at birth. This is called a birthmark. Other skin discolorations are caused by external elements such as sun exposure. The need for a skin discoloration cream can come from various conditions. One very common application would be acne discoloration treatment. Acne can leave us with scars and blemishes long after it is gone, and the right topical product can help to improve this situation. Without getting too technical, age spots, freckles, and the overall darkening of your skin developed when UV damage from the sun throws off the patterns of pigment-producing melanocytes.
Mostly, though, discoloration of the skin may be caused by uneven pigmentation that may be the result of sun exposure or ineffective removal of dead skin cells. Below are some ways you can remedy skin discoloration. Please bear in mind that discoloration caused by a skin disease requires a separate and more serious treatment. The cause for production of melanin itself is exposure to the sun and is a necessary process to protect the body from the sun. The primary step to avoid skin discoloration is to avoid exposure to the sun and wearing sunscreen. But a skin discoloration treatment with an ingredient like Extrapone(TM), an extract from nutgrass root, can effectively decrease the amount of melanin in your skin.
Although the vast majority of these skin discolorations the age spots pose no risk to the person that develops them and so no treatment is necessary. These spots have in some cases been known to obscure the detection of skin cancer, and so many people want to rid themselves of these spots for that reason. Age spots are caused by an accumulation of melanin in the skin. Melanin is what gives the skin its dark color. If you know what causes your skin discoloration then you will more likely be better able to treat it. Basically how it all works is- the more your are exposed to the sun, the more melanin that's produced, and the darker your skin generally gets (whether it's just spots here and there or darker overall).
The best prevention against face discoloration is wearing sunscreen whenever you go outside (even if it's just for 20 minutes). But if you've already developed brown spots or darker skin, then there's still a pretty easy way to get rid of skin discoloration on the face. Sunscreens are not a skin discoloration cure, but the compounds are sometimes included in products for whitening, because of the increased sensitivity to sunlight. The problem is that most of those compounds are ineffective and many of them actually do more harm than good. There are certain natural remedies that are easily available at your home and will cost you much less than the products you buy from stores. Washing face with sour milk gets gentle peeling effect to your skin without producing any irritation. Treat you skin gently and with care. Try to avoid bruising it and treating yourself roughly. Bruises can lead to unsightly discoloration which, can be difficult to get rid of.
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